Women in Vinyl Logo

Deanna DiLandro & Madison Hetterly

Co-Founders Final Girl Records

As the summer begins to turn to autumn and we start to see pumpkins and skeletons galore we begin our journey into the fall season with "weird sisters", Deanna DiLandro and Madison Hetterly, Co-Founders of the indie label Final Girl Records. Final Girl Records (f.k.a. Weird Sister Records) is an independent record label and collective based in Brooklyn, NY and Los Angeles, CA. ​ Tired of the "white dude music business machine", Final Girl strives for a healthier label model to serve as a safer space for women, trans, and non binary people in creative industries to share their work. They are committed to being an anti-racist organization that encourages equity, diversity, and anti-racist actions in the music industry and to help amplify the voices of BIPOC artists + creators.

In their free time, Deanna's life force is people and community so she loves spending time with friends and making new connections. "I also love playing with my dog, playing pool, sandwiches and writing songs..." While Madison is skateboarding, playing the drums, and hanging out with her dog.

How did you get into your industry / What motivated you?

Deanna: I wanted to start working in the music industry when I started working at a radio station as a DJ and RPM Director. I found my way into a radio internship with Terrorbird Media and was helping process new releases when I became interested in how these releases were crafted before they got in my hands. How long did it take to make the record? What went into building the story behind it? I additionally have always loved working with artists and creatives so building my life around that has felt natural.

Madison: I always loved music and felt the most myself listening to my headphones. After entering the Brooklyn music community at 22 years old, I felt like I was home and finally found my calling and people.

What is a day in the life like?

Deanna: They never look the same, but they usually always include walking my dog first thing in the morning, coffee, emailing, dreaming, new release campaigns, playing music and lately learning to DJ.

Madison: I work a full time job as a Digital Marketing Manager at The Syndicate. Most days I work remotely so I'll post up at a coffee shop to take meetings and do my work for the day. Once that ends, I'll hop into all things Final Girl Records. This can range from uploading releases to our distributor, working on press campaigns or marketing tactics or filling in the gaps for what the artist needs at that time.

In your opinion what has been your favorite / the coolest thing you've worked on?

Deanna: Building Final Girl Records with Madison is probably the coolest thing I've ever worked on and all of the releases that we've championed are bright stars connecting the constellation that is this record label.

Madison: One of my favorite memories was our label's launch party in Brooklyn. Everyone we loved was there and the line-up was absolutely fantastic. The bill included Melanie Faye, Sedona and our first signing Sug Daniels. The night was one for the books and full of magic.

What has been / is the most difficult part of your job?

Deanna: The most difficult part of running a record label is basically all of the boring but necessary business logistics that sustain it. Overhead costs, accounting, copyright, etc.

Madison: Time management is always difficult. I wear many different hats so sometimes it is hard to juggle work and also making sure I take time for myself.

What advice do you have for someone wanting to get into pursuing what you’re doing?

Start conversations with the folks you admire or inspire you, folks that might already be doing what you're looking to achieve...

Deanna: Start conversations with the folks you admire or inspire you, folks that might already be doing what you're looking to achieve. Learn from people that have been at it for a long time. Don't be afraid to reach out for mentorship and ask questions!

Madison: Start doing whatever it is you want to do. Sometimes people won't give you your break but if you create opportunities for yourself and start doing what you love, people will notice.

Are you a vinyl collector yourself? What drew you to it? If not, why the vinyl industry?

Deanna: I am a vinyl collector and have been avidly since early college when my mom gave me her old record player. I've always loved the artfulness of the physical media and sonic warmth that makes vinyl such a special experience. My love for vinyl only intensified after being hired to manage a record store in 2016. Not only did I get to learn so much more about vinyl and help source it, but the community and energy of a record store is unmatched.

Madison: Yes! I love holding a physical vinyl and feel even more connected to the artist through listening to it.

What types of things are happening in your industry / with vinyl that you’re excited or worried about? i.e. innovation, or trends you’re seeing.

Deanna: It's exciting to see that there's still a demand for vinyl despite living in the epoch of the streaming economy. Nostalgia is extremely trendy these days and I think that is a strong aspect of the vinyl resurgence we've seen over the past decade along with digital burnout.

Madison: It worries me how little artists get paid these days. Spotify and a lot of systems in place are not in favor of the artist and things really need to shift.

Who has been influential to you and your growth as a professional in this industry? 

Deanna: Golnar Khosrowshahi, the founder and CEO of Reservoir, has led her company to to be the first publicly traded music company owned by a woman. This is so badass to me because not only does she understand the value of acquiring diverse, high quality catalogue, but based on interviews of seen and read of hers she never let the boys club of the music industry keep her from performing at an extremely high level and pursuing continued growth.

Madison: Sarah Armiento of Hot Tramp! She is from Canada and was one of the few women I knew who was doing what I wanted to i.e. running a label on her own. The artists she works with are amazing and I always loved watching her artists flourish. She's also just so kind and cool.

Anything else you’d like to add; if not tell us what you're listening to: 

Deanna: SO excited about our releases this year: TWINFLAME, Noa Jamir, Um, Jennifer? and Moon Kissed. Also, I've been absolutely obsessed with Rachel Chinouriri's new record.

Madison: I'm obsessed with Charli XCX and all she does. I feel like she keeps the DIY ethos while being an artist at a larger scale which I think is so cool.

All photos thanks to Bailey: https://www.instagram.com/girlnamedgolden/

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