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Tanja Händel

Objects Manufacturing, and Tooman Records

The more people in this industry we interview, the more we recognize how busy we all keep ourselves and how all consuming vinyl is for those of us who caught the bug. One such person is Tanja Händel a Berlin-based house / deep house DJ who also works at Objects Manufacturing, a vinyl pressing plant in Oberschöneweide.

However, she doesn't stop there Tanja also co-runs Tooman Records, a deep house label, and is part of the Small Great Things crew, where the group manages a house and disco label and host monthly parties in Berlin.

Outside of work, she loves making music, playing gigs with her partner and playing the piano. "These activities bring joy and balance to my life. Long walks with my dog are another favorite—it’s a great way to relax, connect with nature and recharge."

How did you get into your industry / What motivated you?

My journey into the industry began in childhood. My parents collected pop and disco records, and I loved playing them on our stereo system. There was something magical about handling vinyl records—placing them on the turntable, hearing them spin, and exploring the printed covers and inserts. It wasn’t just the music; it was the entire experience and the aesthetic joy of interacting with the records that truly fascinated me.

In the early 2000s I started DJing, which naturally led me to delve into music and vinyl production. Meeting incredible people in the industry made it easier to get involved, and when we launched Tooman Records in 2015, everything just came together.

What is a day in the life like?

A typical day for me starts with meditation and yoga to set a positive tone. I then head to Objects, where I coordinate various processes and manage communication with team members, partners, and customers. In the evening, I focus on my personal life, spending time with family and friends or working on my own music. I’m happy when I can blend work and personal enjoyment.

In your opinion what has been your favorite / the coolest thing you've worked on?

Everything I work on is cool in its own way. But if I had to choose, one of my favorite experiences has been seeing a project go from an initial idea to a finished vinyl record. Being involved in every step of the process and holding the final product in my hands is always incredible.

What has been / is the most difficult part of your job?

The most difficult part of my job is staying positive, keeping clear focus and taking breaks during intense moments, especially under high stress or tight deadlines. It’s important, though challenging, to concentrate on what you can control and let go of what’s beyond your influence.

What advice do you have for someone wanting to get into pursuing what you’re doing?

Keep refining your skills and stay dedicated to your craft.

Familiarize yourself with both music and vinyl production by learning all the relevant processes. The industry can be competitive, so persistence and passion are key. Keep refining your skills and stay dedicated to your craft.

Are you a vinyl collector yourself? What drew you to it?

Yes, I’m a vinyl collector. I bought my first record back in 1999, and my collection has been growing ever since. As a DJ, I regularly add to it with records for my gigs, and each one is associated with a particular moment and tells its own story.

What types of things are happening in your industry / with vinyl that you’re excited or worried about? i.e. innovation, or trends you’re seeing.

I'm excited about in the vinyl industry is the growing focus on sustainability. We're starting to see more eco-friendly initiatives, such as the use of recycled materials and energy-efficient manufacturing processes.

I also hope that vinyl remains affordable for music lovers without compromising on quality. Striking the right balance is crucial so that artists and labels can keep releasing great music on vinyl, while fans can continue enjoying records—preserving the culture of vinyl.

Who has been influential to you and your growth as a professional in this industry? 

In all honesty, my growth as a professional in this industry has been influenced more by the experiences and opportunities I've encountered, along with my own self-motivation rather than specific individuals. However, I’m thankful to everyone who has been part of my journey.

Anything else you’d like to add; if not tell us what you're listening to: 

I've been really into some great music lately. Shaka's "Sacred Nightfall EP" has a deep, soulful vibe that I love, and Medlar's "Cub Dubs EP" has a super catchy groove. I like Shinichiro Yokota's "Tokonoma Style" for its smooth Japanese house, and Dave Allison's "Conscious Dream“.

I also listen to to Uyama Hiroto, Nujabes, Nightmares on Wax, and Berlioz. Their music creates the perfect atmosphere for my walk to work, helps me unwind after a long day, and sets the right mood for any moment.

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